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Problem(คำถาม) and Solution(วิธีแก้ปัญหา)

75 Problem Solution Speech Topics

Problem solution speech topics, 75 ideas and guidelines to help you selecting, defining and organizing your public speaking speech topics. Persuade your audience that there is a problem and that you have the solution. Convince them to agree with your solution and motivate them to change their opinions, policies or regulations. Before you choose one of the problem solution topics in my list of examples you have to know the elements you have to develop. These four elements for problem solutions speech topics are extracted from the very famous Monroe's Motivational Sequence for persuasive speeches:

1. Problem - State the problem or that some conditions are not quite optimal, and why it's important. Let them realize the scope and effects. Appeal to reason and to the needs and emotions of the audience to persuade them.

2. Solution - Advocate a solution for the problem and causes, or a plan to satisfact the needs.

3. Visualization - Visualize the practicality of your solution. Show how the solutions will improve the situation, show their effectiveness and practicality. Prove that the alternatives are impractical and cause more problems in order to overrule the objections against your solution.

4. Action - Convince them to agree, to change an existing policy or attitude, or move them to action in the way you propose in your problem solution speech topics.
How to Select Your Problem Solution Speech Topics
If you are invited as public speaker because of your personal knowlegde or experience, then find out what the problems, interests and needs of your audience are. Problem solution speech topics deal with questions, opinions or controversies of change or policy. However, there are public speaking situations in which you can answer questions of facts and values. For example if you are a keynote speaker:
-Are you the only keynote speaker or one of many?
-If you are not the only one: do you have to argue with another speaker about your solution?
-Has your audience heard you before?
- What is their impression of you or your organization?
-If you are developing a problem solution speech for educational purposes:
-What exactly are the rules of the assigment?
-How long will your talk last?

List Of 75+ Problem Solution Speech Topics

Now let's have a look at the list of 75+ problem solution speech topics below. Read the list of speech topics carefully and brainstorm a bit about possible causes, problems, effects and solutions. These questions may help you to brainstorm and develop a short list of possible problem solution speech topics:
-What do you like to talk about?
-How long will your talk last?
-What are your personal concerns and convictions?
-Which of the speech topics are you interested in or you do know something about?
-What are global, national, state, community or school related problems, issues or controversies, and causes, effects and solutions related to the text to speech?
-Is there a connection between some problem solution speech topics and any of your personal experiences, expertises or personal goals?
Be inspired, use your fantasy and come up with new problem solution speech topics.

BUSINESS - Abusive Marketing, Bankruptcy, Corporate Whistleblowing, Foreign Import Concurrency, Job Opportunities, Unemployment, Subversive Advertising, Thwarted Career Goals, Unjustifiably Large Incomes, Work Environment
EDUCATION - Academic Pressure, Cheating, Dropouts, Competency Tests, Lack Of Educational Opportunities, Parent Education, Sexeducation In Schools
ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SOLUTION SPEECH TOPICS - Acid Rain, Alternate Energy Sources, Climate Change
FOOD AND HEALTH - Abuse Of Patent Medicines, Dangers Of Food Additives, Dental Health, Depression, Fat In Low Price Food Products, Food Labeling, Health Care, Integration Of The Disabled, Problems Of The Mentally Ill, Survey Of Diets, Testtube Babies, Vegetarianism
GLOBAL AND POLITICS - Food Shortages, International Threats, Overpopulation, Subsidizing Farms, US And UN Relationship
LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL - Crime And Punishment, Drunk Driving Accidents, Effects Of Prejudice, Gun Control, Hate Crimes, Illegal Immigration, Safety And Security, Taxing Of Church Property
SOCIAL PROBLEM SOLUTION SPEECH TOPICS - Airbags, Cigarette Advertising, Decreasing Car Accidents, Discrimination, Domestic Violence, Family Breakdowns, Forced Retirement, Gambling, Hobbies, Home, Internet Spam, Interpersonal Relationships, Loneliness, Minimum Wage Level, Peer Pressure, Reducing Neglect, Runaways, Self Esteem, Social Security, Teenage Runaways, Problems Of The Elderly, Problems Of The Family, Problems Of The Homeless, Problems Of The Hungry, Tobacco Use, Underage Drinking, Voting System
Problem Solution Speech Topics: What Is The Problem?
By now, you have a short list of candidate problem solution speech topics. Let's move forward and develop them further. Examine the dimensions of the problems or potential problems. Use this easy information checklist:
-What has been done till now or why not?
-How could the problems or obstacles be defined or described?
-What are the duration and costs?
-Will it become worse if nothing will be done?
-Is immediate action required?
If your listeners understand there's a need or problem, they are more willing to accept the solutions and recommendations in your problem solution speech topics. For instance think about the social, physical, health, happiness, security, concerns, value and needs in the audiences' community. Examine and make a speech preparation outline with the dimensions of the problems or potential problems in your problem solution speech topics.
-Have your audience or other people been affected by the problem and in what way?
-What could be your evidence, which facts and figures can prove the proper dimensions for them and that you're right?
-What information can help them to understand the problem?
What Is The Solution?

List all the various potential solutions and alternatives. Imagine the features, aspects and merits that might persuade the audience by researching illustrations, facts, figures, expert testimonies and examples. Do it step by step, in each problem solution speech topic:
-Select your best possible solution for the problem.
Demonstrate the workability of your plan by citing experts and refering to a successful implementation elsewhere in your problem solution speech topics.
-Recommendate procedures for implementing the solution.
-What are the effects, costs and required actions?
-Who should take action, and when and where?
-What else is necessary?

NOTES: If the audience is devided, not sure or unaware of the problem, then pay more attention to the urgency and the needs of your audience. If they know the problem exist, then pay more attention in your problem solution speech topics to the reasonablity and workability of your plan. In case you want to oppose to a change in policy, because another solution causes problems, then emphazise the limitations and the dislikes.
How to Outline Your Problem And Solution Speech Topics

These are the most used methods of developing and outlining problem solution speech topics:
* Problem Solution Method
Recommended if you have to argue that there is a social and current problem and you have convince the listeners that you have the best solution. Introduce and provide background information to show the problem. List the best and ideal conditions and situations. Show the options. Analize the proper criteria. And present your plan to solve the problem.
*Problem Cause Solution Method
Use this pattern for developing problem cause solution speech topics. Identify the problem and its causes. Analyze the causes and propose solutions to the causes.
* Problem Cause Effect Method
Use this method to outline the effects of a problem cause speech topic. Prove the connection between financial, political, social causes and their effects.
*Comparative Advantage MethodUse
this organizational pattern for so-called compare contrast problem solution speech topics. Recommended in case everyone knows of the problem and the different solutions and agrees that something has to be done. Compare the features and the differences of possible solutions and procedures. And explain why your solution is the most preferable one.

The Purpose And Central Idea Of Problem Solution Speech Topics

Summarize the bottomline of your persuasive public speaking speech in one powerful and clear sentence: that will be your problem solution speech topic statement. In that statement you have to bring together the problem and the solution.
Examples of a statements for problem solution speech topics:Severe Safety Rules Can Stop Decreasing Car AccidentsSexeducation In Schools Will Prevent Teenage PregnancyA Better Railroadpassenger Service Will Attract More Clients
By now you have studied the main ideas for writing a public speaking speech on problem solution speech topics.
